Intuit Free .Com Domain 2013 Updated


Hey There! Have You Ever Wanted free Domains? Well Intuit Gives Free Domains Out, But you must Fill the Details For The Payment. As I am gonna Promise your gonna get Your Domain, But I Shall Warn you! If you make Multiple Accounts, Your Account Can be Deleted.

What you will need :
Gmail  account
Internet Connection 
and a lil bit brain

So Lets Start Shall we?
First of all use any VPn say Security Kiss and select US server and click on connect
after that goto, To
Register into Intuit. So The Page Should look something like this :

So Click the Continue & You should Redirect to This Page :

So You can Enter an Random Email Adress, But I Suggest you use
yours Just Because I do not want your account to be Deleted.
So Make your User ID & PW & Click Continue.
So Once your in this page :

You want to Click the ”Choose a domain (
You can choose any 1 tld
For your Website,

Now Choose a Domain name & Click ”Check Availability”
Now once you Have Chosen it, You should have page like this :

Click the Get Domain Button to Proceed to Next Step.
You will be Redirected to the Page where you must fill
information. You can just use to
Generate the Details or Enter your Personal Details.
I Used Details,

Now Just Press ”Save & Continue” To Proceed into next step.
So now you will be in this Page, And Information Will be in it. :

So Click Submit.
Now you will be Asked Credit Card Information, But were gonna
find them on Google.
0.00$ !
So Write on Google The Following Thing :
Credit Card Dumps
Well it Accepts The Following Cards, Mastercard, Visa, Amex,
Discover . So you can find those on google too :)
So I Putted these Details :
Name: Michael Bartlett
Number: 4358802828369933
Exp: 01/20 (01 2020)
CVV: 942
As You have Completed your Payment, You will be Redirected to
This page :

Now just Click The ”Domains” & You Have your Domain in there
Congrats!, Now just Wait Till you Have Full Control Of Your
Domain. Which you can Move or Create It Normally With Intuit.
If You have Questions comment's are Welcome.


  1. hey i am unable to find an Credit Card Dump details over google search.....please help me.

    1. Contact me on FB i will send you dumps

  2. i'm two i have to same problemme , i can't find an credit card dump , pleaze help me , sande to my a credite card here
    and thanx!
