How to CRYPT without CRYPTER !


I found a new way to encrypt every/any file just with WinRar. It will be 99 % FUD, why 99 % ? I will show you later

It really works with everyfile, such as Darkcomet, .Net Files, Executables and every other Files. Pics, Music but mostly you don't need to encrypt Music haha.

So first Download WinRAR: HERE

Then install it. Now it should be ready for use.
So first here you have your Server.exe

Now select you Server and add to a Winrar Archive.

[Image: 41198116.jpg]

Make sure you check "self-extracting" "solid-Archive" and "Protect Archive for changes" <-- They should be called like this i dont know because i use Winrar in an other language than English.

For Compressionmethod i always use "best" but it does not matter.

then go to "advanced"

[Image: 41594948.jpg]

Add at "Directory to extract" "%temp%" (or add the Path where it should extract the Files)

Then at "Execute after Extracting" add "Server.exe" (or the Name of your Virus, Trojan, etc.)

Now navigate to "Mode"

[Image: 99214079.jpg]

Check "hide all" (i would recommend this because it will completely invisible at the Victims Machine.)

At last go to "Update"

[Image: 73255325.jpg]

Check "overwrite all Files". Now just click OK and we are almost ready Grin

Next Step:

Goto "Select Password"

[Image: 76963443.jpg]

[Image: 79359751.jpg]

Use every Password you want, but remember this we will need it later.

Click OK...OK and generate the File in my case "Server.sfx.exe"

Now you just need to understand we used a password and Winrar encrypts the File for us. So it gets Undetectable. But 1 thing is missing. How do we decrypt and run this file? Follow my next steps...

Open up Notepad and write the name of you encrypted Archive "-p(here the password) -d(here the directory you used before to extract the Files.)"

[Image: 62979909.jpg]

Server.sfx.exe -pabc123 -d%temp%

AND Save it ATTENTION something.BAT otherwise the whole process wont work.

[Image: 77570772.jpg]

Now you have both Files:

The last Step is:

Open up again Winrar and add these both ("encrypter.bat" and "Server.sfx-exe")Files in an Archive, check the boxes like before or like in the Pic.

[Image: 61453418.jpg]

Goto SFX-Options. Do like in the PIC! (AND LIKE BEFORE WE DID)

[Image: 55287408.jpg]


[Image: 99214079.jpg]

[Image: 73255325.jpg]

Click OK...OK and Build it.

Sorry for the language used in screenshots actually this method was stolen from HackForums

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